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This is MitoMaverick
Raising awareness and helping others who suffer from mitochondrial disease
Meet Alia
MitoMaverick is a website dedicated to sharing my own personal experiences and information that I have found has helped my journey with mito and maybe of help to other sufferers. This is why I have dedicated my time in sharing what has helped me over the years and I hope will be of interest and help to you! I know how isolating it can be to have a rare disease like this that no-one completely understands and this website is aimed at those people in a similar position to me in the hope that it cuts down the time it takes to find solutions, just remember you are not alone and stay positive!

My mission is to try and help anyone who is unsure on what to do, and try and help them in any way I can with what I have learnt and dealt with over the years ,

My vision is to use this platform as a safe environment for sufferers with mitochondrial disease to share their stories about things which have worked well and not worked well.

The purpose is to provide information and to listen to other sufferers ideas and ways in which will help, whilst we wait and seek for a cure for mito :)
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